In my opinion this is a problem with your Public Folder server or Public
Folder database. I assume he can open his mailbox normally - so why
would you be trying to troubleshoot his mailbox? :)

My thoughts:

Make sure the PF database on his server (or the default PF store for his
Storage Group) is mounted and that you can access it through ESM. Check
to see if anyone else on his server can open their Public Folders. Check
event logs on client and server.

Then you can start using packet sniffers if you so choose :)


-----Original Message-----
From: David Lloyd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2008 00:41
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Outlook Wierdness

Thanks Ben for those extra ideas...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2008 00:35
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Outlook Wierdness

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 6:26 PM, David Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Just to test I tried to setup his profile on a different client
machine and
> the problem is even worse, as I can't even get it past the welcome
> message before it hangs with an hour glass.
> Anyone come across this type of issue before?

  Not exactly, but here's some more trouble-shooting ideas:

  Check the Event Viewer on both client and server for anything
useful.  If you don't find anything, turn up diagnostic logging for
the server in Exchange System Manager and repeat until you do.

  Use a packet sniffer (WireShark, MSFT Network Monitor, etc.) to see
what's passing on the wire between client and server.

  Check permissions on his mailbox (ADU&C, select user, Properties,
Exchange Advanced tab, Mailbox Rights button).

  Check permissions on the public folders.

  Try EXMERGE to export his mailbox.  Check the log, see if that
flushed out any kind of useful diagnostic.

  If you've got multiple servers or storage groups, try moving his
mailbox to a different one.  Be warned that if the mailbox has
corruption this may loose data, so have backups.

  If you get really desperate, you could try running ISINTEG on the
Information Store, but that requires taking the Store offline, and is
considered somewhat heavy-handed.

-- Ben

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~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
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