BES 4.1.6 on Exchange 2007sp1 ~35 users.

We would like to create an IT policy that sets the default browser on the 
phones to be the IBS or Internet browser rather than the BB browser so that 
folks are using the EVDO network for internet browsing rather than our local 
network connection.

We would like the BB browser to remain available so people can switch to it and 
run reports on our local intranet site (only 2-3 folks actually do this)

Blackberry support and forum surfing seem to say we can only disable the BB 
browser, we cant have it active and not be the default browser through policy.  
The policy choices are not very specific as to what they do, and its hard for 
me to test little changes because I don't have a BB (of course).

Has anyone set this up or have any insight on the IT policies for BES?


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