Easiest thing is to use the Iphone Enterprise config tool




you create a profile for your exchange, add it's self signed cert and
send it to the phone


From: Vandael Tim [mailto:tim.vand...@khlim.be] 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 9:51 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Exchange 2007 & iPhone 3GS


I've had some problems with my self signed certificate while syncing a
windows mobile.

Putting in a CA signed solved my troubles.

So it would surprise me if an iPhone also has this problem.







Van: Andrew Levicki [mailto:and...@levicki.me.uk] 
Verzonden: maandag 30 november 2009 15:42
Aan: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Onderwerp: Re: Exchange 2007 & iPhone 3GS


Hi Jim,


Thanks for this. Yes, we have OWA but we are just using the default
Self-signed certificate that comes with Exchange 2007. Will this present
a problem?


I have no problems otherwise with firewall configuration of TCP port
443, so if it really is as simple as pointing the device to the OWA URL,
then I think we will be fine...


Thanks again and kind regards,



2009/11/30 Kennedy, Jim <kennedy...@elyriaschools.org>

Do you have Outlook web access set up with https? If so just point the
IPhones at the same URL and make sure active-sync is enabled for the
mailbox. It should be, I believe it is by default. For us it was as easy
as that.




From: Andrew Levicki [mailto:and...@levicki.me.uk] 
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 6:28 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Exchange 2007 & iPhone 3GS


Hi all,


I've read all the previous posts about iPhones with Exchange 2007. My
question is very simple and please don't laugh: How do I set it up? I am
the Exchange Administrator, so I guess I should know. But I've only ever
administered Exchange with BlackBerry devices. So I don't know.


I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. And not just a link
to lmgtfy.com!


Thanks in advance,




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