How long the consistency check takes is dependent on processor, memory, and 
disk speed. I’d let it run for at least an hour before I became concerned; and 
then I’d check perfmon/resmon before I killed it to see if it is still doing 
something…that is, establish a baseline and then compare against the baseline.

Doing a backup using WSB will not take down Exchange or related services.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

From: Harry Singh []
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:40 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Windows Server Backup and Exchange 2010

Two Databases totaling ~35GB, for now. Based on my calculation, I should let 
the consistency check run for at least 20 minutes then.

Since i'm new to WSB and Exch2k10 for that matter, I have to ask -- the backup 
process won't bring down access to Exchange or any related services before, 
during or after it's performed its business, right ?

Not running DAG here yet.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Michael B. Smith 
<<>> wrote:
How big is your exchange database?

A consistency check on one of my client’s databases, 90 GB, takes about 50 

The parameter you are referring to is primarily for controlling WHERE you take 
a backup in a DAG environment (passive, active, or both).



Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

From: Harry Singh [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:13 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Windows Server Backup and Exchange 2010


I have an single Exchange 2010 STD with Update Rollup 3 installed on a Windows 
2008 SP2 VM on vSphere ESX 4. I attempted to run a Windows Server Backup but 
the process was stuck on the Consistency check for Exchange.I waited for about 
15 minutes until i cancelled the job to do some research. I followed the 
following steps here: 
and found the following forum post here:

In short, there is a post at the above forum that indicates to enable the 
following key:


Create new:


My question is, will the above key disable VSS functionality all together ? I 
plan on introducing Symantec BE 2010, will it also break BE's, or any 
VSS-reliant/aware app's ability to run a backup of Exchange?



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