Are we sure these are not Non-Delivery Reports from your organization being 
sent back to the spammers.......that probably don't exist so they get stuck in 
your queue until the time out?

Recipient verification is the place to fix that, if my guess is correct.

From: Jeff Brown []
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:35 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: undeliverables "clogging" que's

The From:  seems to by typical spam, spoofed addresses, predictable subject 
lines.  The To: seems to vary, some to current employees, some to former 
employees and some to unknowns...
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Kennedy, Jim 
<<>> wrote:
The undeliverable's are from who and to who? Is there a common thread with them?

From: Jeff Brown [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:18 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: undeliverables "clogging" que's

We are in the middle of a multi-domain migration from E2k3 servers to E2K7.  We 
had an outside consultant come in and set this all up.  We had some time 
constraints and unrelated hardware issues that have complicated this process at 
times, and things have not always gone smoothly(imagine that).  Everything 
seems to be working fine except that we have had reports of "missing email" and 
looked to find a que with hundreds of undelivered messages on the E2K7 Hub/CAS 
server.  80% or so of those messages are identified as "undeliverable".  When 
we manually delete the undeliverables the rest of the messages seem to go out 
just fine.  I'll be happy to provide more details about our setup, but I'm 
thinking that may be something someone else has seen and may be able to point 
us in the right direction to get this resolved???

thanks for any help.


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