On 12/03/2021 09:45, Cyborg via Exim-users wrote:
Am 12.03.21 um 10:21 schrieb Jeremy Harris via Exim-users:

I have a static linear timeframe from one recipient to another appearing in the 
log file, once the actual delivery from thunderbird ended.
strace says, it's due to my SQL select i use. it would go faster if the SQL 
result would be cached, instead of repeating itself.

Could you show us the ACL line?

it was a simple one like this:

"select 1 from eximconfig where  '${quote_mysql:${domain:$item}}' REGEXP 
\Nconcat('^',domain,'$')\N and name='<FIXED KEYWORD>' and value='1' LIMIT 1

You didn't show the part where $item was derived (assuming that's what the ACL 
really says).  Your obfuscation, not giving the entire ACL line, hinders.

That said, I would expect that query to be cachable.  Your strace showed
repeated actual SQL lookups... could you run a test with debug enabled
and show the output?  Just a couple of recipients would be enough,
and you could mail me direct rather than the mailinglist if you prefer
not to expose info to the whole world.

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