I have a number of Exim servers behind a NAT gateway (actually connected with vpn's to a cloud vps - but I'm hoping this is not relevant to this post). I would like the gateway to send incoming port 25 traffic to the correct Exim server based on SNI in incoming TLS packets - as different Exim instances serve different email domains. The setup would look like this:

                    (smtp port 25)
                   [Cloud server]
       |                  |                   |
       |                  |                   |
[Exim server 1]    [Exim server 2]    [Exim server 3]

I would have preferred to do this at IP tables level - but apparently not really possible. It seems the next option would be HAProxy. Has anyone here used HAProxy or run a setup as above, or know if this is actually doable? Any suggestions much appreciated.

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