Dear yoga friends,

See Please

Tantra Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Iyengar Yoga etc. are only
different arms of the great world yoga family. One wisdom - many
ways. I ask for spiritual tolerance. Well practised Tantra don't
result in any attachment to the "external" world. But bad practised
Yoga result in attachment to the "internal" world. The last one is
called esoteric materialism. I don't know MISA very well, but I know
Tantra and Yoga. Ten years ago I completed my Tantra Yoga teacher
training, and thirteen years ago I completed my Hatha Yoga teacher
training. Tantra and Yoga looks like different. But they are not (in
the core understandings). Well practised Yoga and Tantra result in
independence from the materialism and spiritual extravagance. The way
to God realisation is recognation of all spiritual teachings.

The other important point is that we have to defend MISA in every
case against an intolerant regime of old and new Securitates. Agree
or don't agree with MISA in details - the attacks are illegal and
intolerable. Shame on the Romanian Government! Romania want to be a
member of European Union. Then the government has to stop all attacks
against MISA, Sinti People, the political opposition... immediately!!

Greetings and Blessings:

Prof. Dr. Holger Lüttich

Member Yoga Alliance International
Director of B-Ayurveda-Academy, Bavarian Academy of Yoga and Ayurveda
Director Liberty International Seminary
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Alternative Medicines
Member of Weston Reserve University Faculty
Faculty Member of The Open Internation University of Complementary
Medicines, Colombo / SL

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