Thanks Ben


I thought I heard something about not needing a visa as I am granted the same 
status as a Russian national for travel to Belarus. I'm not accredited there so 
the Dip passport by itself is not going to help. 


Unfortunatley I don't have the time to go via Ukraine without ruining my travel 
plans that the ash cloud has ruined!



Subject: Re: Expat List Do I need a transit visa for Belarus??
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:41:35 +0400

Hi Mark:

If you are transiting with a western passport (no matter if it is diplomatic, 
etc.), you will need a transit visa. Belarus is not Russia, so Russian 
credentials accompanying a western passport aren't really going to get you 
anywhere at the border.

If you are in a big rush, and the embassy gives you enough grief (probably 
shouldn't happen with a diplomatic passport, but you never know), you may want 
to consider going through Ukraine, as they don't require a visa to cross the 
country (as long as the transit is less than 30 days in length). Same goes for 
crossing through Latvia and Lithuania (though the connections are not as 
straight-forward as through Belarus or even Ukraine).

Best of luck on the transit.

Ben Angel

19.04.10, 02:49, "Mark Sandell" <>: 

Hi everyone!
I need some help if I am going to beat this ash cloud and catch a train to 
I am a resident for Russian purposes. 
I do not know what kind of resident. 
I have a diplomatic passport and residence card. 
Do I need a visa to transit Belarus by train??
I don't speak Russain. 
I'll be calling the MFA and the Embassy of Belarus tomorrow but I'm trying to 
get a head start so I can book train tickets....

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Ben M. Angel

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