"Thomas L. McCurdy, Jr." wrote:
> Here is the hardware that I am running :
> Processor : Intel Pentium II 350
> Mainboard : FIC Mainboard w/BX chipset and AGP slot
> Memory : 128 MB SDRAM (PC100 Compliant)
> Video Card : Diamond SpeedStar A50 AGP 8MB SiS6326 Chipset
> Monitor : CTX VL700 17in
> I have tried numerous configurations and I have changed the XF86Config file
> so many times I have lost count.  My problem is that KDE is not painting
> windows and menus correctly.  Whenever I right click the mouse I get a
> black square rather than a menu with options.  The icons, background, and
> the bottom button bar are all correctly drawn.  When I open windows or apps
> I get a main window frame but I am missing the content inside the window
> (it is partially there but is mostly a black area.)  After setting up the
> XServer to run with the SiS6326 Chipset I have a problem with the mouse
> cursor becoming a one inch by one inch square.  The only mode that the
> system works correctly in is VGA (I want to avoid VGA 640x480 if you know
> what I mean.)  I have tried all color depths that my card would allow and
> all different modes.  I have tried selecting different monitor types and
> changing the refresh rates.  Does anyone out there have any idea how I
> would go about getting X to work correctly with my card?  Is there anyone
> out there who is running X (kde) with a Diamond Speedstar A50?  Any advice
> would be greatly appreciated!


After some deep searching on Deja News, I might have some help for you.
Here's the device section that someone posted saying it worked for
them.  It's
worth a shot!

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "PCChips 100 AGP"
    VendorName  "PCChips"
    BoardName   "pc100"
    Chipset     "sis6326"
    Option      "no_bitblt"
    Option      "sw_cursor"
    DacSpeed    175
    Option      "edo_vram"
    VideoRam    8192

You'll probably want to modify the Identifier, Vendor Name, and Board
Name lines.
Just make sure that the Identifier line that you insert into the above
is also listed in the Screen Section as:

        Device "YYY"

Let me know if this helps out.

Steve Philp             "Oh Lord, I go for penguins. 'Cause penguins are
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     so sensitive to my needs..."    --Lyle Lovett

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