Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> >
> > Have you tried installing M6 with the RH6 boot image? Should work.
> >
> Hi Tom,
> Just read the new version of your faq5 and tried the RH boot.img.
> It worked perfectly!
> Superb advice! I'll buy you a drink next month for that one.

I'll remind you of this! *grin*

> Now the installation worked wonderful but I can't use M6 :-((
> I installed M6 on /dev/hda3. There is Win on hda1 and M5.3 on
> hda2. LILO is in the MBR of hda and starts win and m5.3. So from
> M6 I wanted to install LILO in hda3 with a zero timeout. This
> would get an entry in my (master)LILO as `other'. This scheme
> worked for test-installations of SuSE 6.0 and RH 6.0.
> In the installation procedure of M6 I got an error that it is not
> able to install LILO (doesn't tell why). So I decided to create a
> bootdisk. Nada! Same error (doesn't say why either).
> So how am I supposed to start the system?

Hm, maybe I missed something but why don't you configure the master LiLo
using M5.3? Another possibility would be using loadlin from your
win-partition. As for the error messages: you commented the hdparm
optimizations, did you? If they are still there LiLo will be confused by
the 'wrong' parameters of your hd.


> Wolfgang
> --
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> Linux-Mandrake NewsGroup: news:alt.os.linux.mandrake
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> a.o.l.m.-FAQ(German): http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/wobo

"Everybody is someone else's newbie." (Marilyn Manson, edited)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
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