On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> I logged out of kde, but my internet connection didn't quit, because
> when I got to the console, my friend and I did some things there; and
> then I came back into kde... the connection was still going, but the
> little blinking icon was gone from the tray.... all I'd like to be able
> to do is get it back into the tray at that point, without having to shut
> the connection and start another one.

Sorry, the lights only appear if you use Kppp to start your connection.  I
remember seeing some sort of little Xapp that put modem lights on your desktop,
I think it came from RedHat's Powertools.  Hope you find a substitute; always
good to have more blinkenlighten.

Lee Burnside -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage."
                --The Bard

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