
   It seems i've found a clue to the error:

Aug 16 01:31:35 localhost network: Disabling IPv4 packet forwarding
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:0
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:1
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:2
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:3

same all the way to

Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:47
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:48
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module lo:49
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost network: Bringing up interface lo succeeded

Look familiar?

I began trying to figure out where lo got configured in the boot
process, and eventually decided that /etc/rc.d/init.d/network does the
job. I ran through it a few times using the different parameters it
accepts, like

./network restart

i then looked at /var/log/messages and found an extra error about ppp0.

Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module ppp0:0
Aug 16 01:31:36 localhost modprobe: can't locate module ppp0:1

i had just been on the 'net and still had a file in /var/run called
ppp-.dev, which i removed. the ppp0 error disappeared. Thing is, it's
the same... not sure where to go from here. The network script is a bit
too involved for my skills. Guess i'll keep trying.


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