you might want to rummage through the articles on linux journals site like
thae past month or 2 ... i saw something there about getting SOME of those
pesky pci modems to work .. it involved putting it in a windows box to
configure and then taking it out and sticking it in your linux box and
setting up some software... i don't know if it's true or not I haven't used
a modem since I was about 16 ... but if it would save you some money i guess
it would be worth a look

Have Fun,

Cindy and David Rodgers

Have a baby and watch the Unix community grow !!!
----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] WinModem question

> On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > > On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > > > A couple of weeks ago, some had given a possible setup for a
winmodem using the
> > > > setserial command. I have lost theat message. Can the person who
wrote it
> > > > please write back to me directly with that message? I am trying to
help an
> > > > unfortunate friend. Thanking-you in advance,
> > > >
> > > Winmodems under Linux are paperweights. Period. Don't
> > > bother. These are SOFTWARE modems, or modems in name-only.
> > > Go get a real modem with HARDWARE UARTs, etc.
> > > John
> >
> > I understand, and wholeheartedly agree, unfortunately, not everyone can
> > throw something for no other reason than it not working with all OS's. I
> > often ribbed my friend about that very thing. He always looked sheepish
> > my having done that. What it comes down to, is, he is aware that he
should get
> > a real modem, but since I had seen a message about two weeks ago, about
> > very subject, including a way out(other than trashing the modem:) ), I
> > that it was worth a try. And, if you think about it, it "is" worth a
> > because of all the people who presently have the WinXX/WinModem
> > and we are trying to win over to linux. I don't think it is very
realistic to
> > expect them all to run out and buy a new modem.
> >
> Well, I just did a quick browse-through of the mail archive for the
> "newbie" group and it appears that there is rumors of SOME
> rudimentary support in kernel 2.4 (considering we're on 2.2.x right
> now, that's going to be awhile!) Other than that, the only references
> I've found state that WinModems are Windows-only, and are therefore
> worse than useless under any other O/S.
> >
> > As for you and I, and many who are technically
> > inclined, and versed in computing, we knew that when we bought our
> > computer, it had to work with most, if not all, OS's (and for
> > those of you who didn't buy that way, please don't  feel that I am
> > insulting you in any way. I realize that everyone is an  individual,
> > and I feel that everyone should have their own way of purchasing,
> > even if at times it is unthoughtful and wasteful).
> > In any case, thanks for the info.
> >
> You're welcome. As a bit of history, WinModems are NOT the first
> "software" modems to come out. In the late 80's/early 90's there were
> an abundance of "SoftModems" which were dos-level software modems,
> but they were just as bad pieces of junk as the USR WinModems and HCF
> modems are today. :-) I know, I was a BBS Sysop up until about 1997
> when I lost my batch files to a hard drive crash and gave up because
> I was getting MAYBE one call per day. :-)
> John

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