On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, John Connell wrote:

> I was just wondering.....I installed KDE base 1.1.2 yesterday and now have
> icons coming out of my ears on my desktop! The old and new are there, deleting
> them from the desktop isn't the answer as on reboot they are back. Is there a
> startup script somewhere to edit? Also, a password is now necessary to open
> linuxconfig and RPM--where are the files to edit for these? TIA

There is a dir called "preconf" (or similar, don't know exactly), locate
it with "locate" (it should be under /usr) and wipe out the contents
(verify it first) of the dir, wipe out the icons from your desktop too and

Be happy. Mail me if there problems with it.

        Erik Wasser
        C-Lab Rechnerbetreuung
Phone : (05251) 606051

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