On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > 
> > Ok guys, winmodems aren't support, and a driver will never be accepted
> > into the mainstream kernel even if someone were to write it. Alan and
> > Linus have already made statements to this effect. On an upnote compusa
> > has modems on sale for like 25$.
> >  
> Axalon....what site were you on? I just went to
> www.compusa.net and searched their modems list. The only
> thing they had under about $100 was either external or PCI.
> I couldn't find ANY modems on their "closeout" page. :-(
> Is this in one of their catalogs or if you have a URL,
> maybe you can post it so the unfortunate folks who have
> WinModems. :-)
>       John

It was in the sunday ads, which someone has thrown away for me. I may have
my ads backwards maybe it was bestbuy. Anyways it was an actiontech isa
56k, and was between 25 and 35 dollars.

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