On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 03:06:06AM -0500, Jack Hain wrote:
>   On another note, Linux-Mandrake has just about everything you
> need.....gnome....enlightenment.....all the other toys, but there is
> still one thing that I ALWAYS have to install myself, and that is
> Eterm.  Could somebody with some influence please add Eterm to the next
> distribution.

My 0.2c :
There is already 4 term progs in Mandrake : xterm, rxvt, konsole, and
gnome-terminal. For the moment, if you need transparent background,
gnome-term has this feature and rxvt has pixmapped bg too. If Eterm is
added we will have 5 packages for the same fonctionnality don't you
think it's too much ?

What Eterm specific fonctionnalities do you need ?
- Dis donc, Cortex, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire cette nuit?
- La même chose que chaque nuit, Minus: tenter de conquerir le monde!
  (choeurs) C'est Minus et Cortex, Cortex, Cortex.

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