On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 07:46:00AM -0400, Fabien Deschodt wrote:
> Why is it too much?
> How many news and mail reader in Mdk?
> How many Window managers?
> How many text editors? 
only one vim :-p

> I think it is good to have choice, even if I will never use Eterm. 
Yes, i think it's a good choice too, but if we have 5 packages which 
do the same things on the same cd, i think it's too much. Maybe on a
2nd cd.

It will be great if MandrakeUpdate could do a second stage install
on-line after the configuration of ppp(and|or)network has been done.
Mandrake could provide all the packages that are not on the 1st cd.

> Otherwise it may be good to remove some other useless packages
I'm not sure there is many useless packages (i've just done ls in RPMS).
Maybe we can wait the DVD distro :)

Offtopic :
> Je capte pas l'histoire de cortex ;)
Minus & Cortex == Pinky and the Brain
search for it on Google you are missing something really important ;-)

- Dis donc, Cortex, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire cette nuit?
- La même chose que chaque nuit, Minus: tenter de conquerir le monde!
  (choeurs) C'est Minus et Cortex, Cortex, Cortex.

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