> I think the real problem would be to get the linux community to agree
> on what would be "recommended." I wouldn't want to try to suggest
> choosing either emacs or vi as The Editor in the base installation :)
> Perhaps distros like Mandrake could have their users vote on, for
> example, which of the 5 terminal programs should be installed by
> default, and which should be optional...

Really difficult to choose. By default, Xemacs and vi must be installed.
Then if you choose to install Gnome, Gnome-terminal
It must be consistent for a new user, especially because you may find
references to theses in the menus.

But a feature that would be REALLY fine in Mandrake installation is the
automatic install of all dependencies when you choose a package.

An easy custom installation should be:
"Do you want KDE?"
      YES --> install the  whole bunch of KDE stuff
"Do you want GNOME?"
      YES --> install the  whole bunch of GNOME stuff
"Do you want any specific Window-MAnager?"
      [*] Afterstep
      [ ] Enlightenment
      [*] Window Maker
      [ ] ....
   --> install those with all related packages
"Do you want any specific editors?"
      [*] Vi
      [ ] Emacs
      [*] jed
      [ ] ....
   --> install those with all related packages

And so on...

I think this is really simple even for beginner, and it would be even better
with a help for each item. What do you think?

You may add a few more auestion for more advanced users in another type of
install such that ( You want KDE? Do you want KDE Games?)
And let the expert installs all the packages individually ( but it's so

I hope Panoramix will be closer to this.


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