On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Mandrake is Red Hat plus, that is Red Hat customized for the newbie with
> user-friendly features designed to make life easy for him/her. That's
> why I switched from Red Hat proper to Mandrake 6.1 and I am glad I did.
Please understand I'm not "chewing you out" or anything
like that. However, you also need to understand this:
MANDRAKE IS **NOT** REDHAT PLUS!!! (all-caps for extra
emphasis, NOT to be yelling! <G>)  Mandrake is it's own
SEPARATE distribution and has been for several versions
now! IIRC, the mandrake folks said that it has been since
Mandrake 5.2.
However, that being said, you have some EXCELLENT
suggestions. How / how well / whether they'll be implemented
is another thing altogether. :-)

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