On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Matthew Hart wrote:

> > Overall useing slot1 is the best bet IMO, as they are designed from the
> > ground up (we hope), not just an after thought (as it were) for the ppga.
> > And i'll be damned if i can get this bp6 to run @100mhz with either of my
> > agp cards.
> > 
> > --
> > MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
> >                                         --Axalon
> > 
> That's because the BP6 wasn't designed with 100mhz FSB in mind.

Right but the boys and girls over at abit (and presumably elsewhere) are
running 6x100, i just wanna see it I doubt i have enough colling currently
to sustain it for long :)

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