On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Sergio Korlowsky wrote:

> >
> > Should that perhaps be reported as a bug sincne it's a new installation
> > without anything done to it (Kernel recompilation doesn't count).
> Well no, I guess it was done on purpossed for security reasons
> so only authorized users can connect  to.

I an't see how that fits in. When I installed the system, it asked me to
add a users and in wich runlevel I wold like too boot. If it was done for
security reasons, I should not have been asked to add a user. Redhat that
doesn't ask for a useraccount during install (at least not 6.0) doesn't
behave that way and in RedHat you have to manually give users access to
CD-Rom and floppy drives.

So nah, I don't buy your  argument..

The New Testament offers the basis for modern computer coding theory,
in the form of an affirmation of the binary number system.

        But let your communication be Yea, yea; nay, nay: for
        whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
                -- Matthew 5:37

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