> By the way: Has anyone tried the mozzila lately? Last time I tried it
> (july) it was still very messy, but I have heard some claims of M11 beeing
> "allmost usable". That would be about the same as my netscape .-)

I tried the Mozilla binaries a couple of days ago on both Win95 and Linux.
It "worked" (if you can call it that) better in 95 than in Linux.  Could
not get the freakin' thing to use the disk cache though so everytime I
would hit the back button it would re-request the web page, most annoying.
I tried several times to set the preferences for the cache but it never
seemed to save them.  In Linux it crashed on slashdot whenever I used the
down arrow to scroll down.  It is kind of usuable in the sense that it has
no problems displaying any of the web pages I visited, but it still seems
unstable IMHO, not something I want to use everyday.  Other people though
seem to have had better luck than me so your results may vary.

> good night to everyone
> cu
>       Denis

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