Marco Fioretti wrote:

> Sorry for the misleading title,
> but I don't know how to handle this anymore.
> I have been trying for about four months to
> get off the newbie list IN THE CORRECT WAY.
> The problem is the address I subscribed with,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is obsolete in my
> company, and an alias redirects it to my
> current address, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The consequence is that the mailing list software
> won't accept my unsubscribe requests because they
> come from a different address, and whoever maintains
> it never answered to my previous requests.
> Conclusion: please unsubscribe from newbie any address
> looking like
>         "teifima" or "fioretti" @ "anything",
> but keep me on the Mandrake expert list.
> Please accept my excuses for disturbong this list.
>         Merry Christmas,
>                         Marco Fioretti

Most certainly the politest request to date.  Unfortunately I haven't a
clue how to help.

How about giving Chmouel a shout at

         Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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