On Wed, 08 Dec 1999, you wrote:

> thanks for the tips, but i don't see how it can possibly be hardware.  a
> stock 7mdk kernel builds from source and runs fine.  a stock 22mdk kernel
> fails with a compiler assertion (NOTE: NOT a SEGV!)  the assertion is due
> to something that makes complete sense.

   I know you don't want to hear it, but hardware errors will give
'statement not terminated properly', '<whatever> defined but not
used', stuff like that..... Error1  Not always, maybe not even
often, seg faults.  BTW, one of the kernels i built from source was
-22mdk.  I didn't try and redo a pre-built one tho, so maybe that's
the difference.

   'Course if it's not the no.3 cause of computer problems, could
be the no.1 cause is behind your compile problems.  No.1 is what
had me baffled with kernel compiles for awhile  ;-)
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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