On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 09:31:53 -0500, james.fogg wrote:

->I am not familiar with many of the software packages you are using, but I
->have set well over 200 Internet connections on ISDN. When using both bearer
->channels for connection to an ISP (for 128K) the ISP expects you to run
->MLPPP (multilink PPP).

Sorry James,
the problem is that I'm not able to set up / initiate a call. So there is no ISP to decide what I have to do / not to do.

It's a problem of configuring / installing some basic!! functions.
after getting 2 msg I wonder if there are no other one running ISDN ?!
I thought I get the original ( not commercial ) package from http://www.millenniumx.de/download.html
but I'm willing to get it once more to be shure.

By Peter

->Subject: [expert] ISDN ? !
->after trying to get an answer inside newbie I'l hope here is the better
->place ..
->I've tried to install ISDN for a few ! days and now I found it a bit boring
->=:-( without any help
->I use MD 6.1 ; have got a CD for testing befor bying a few and deciding to
->use it at some schools in Berlin.
->A MUST is ISDN connection.
->I found an "kisdn-1.0.1_2-mdk6-kde-1.1.i386.rpm" but it seems to
->be bad. I got an error installing the rpm saying couldn't access. OK no
->By downloading I only found an Kisdn_1.1.......... package ( no mdk Version!
->The above couldn't be found at MD nor RedHat.
->I installed the newer. It seems to work until I want to get an connection.
->I only get an error after "ifconfig ippp0 up" that "dialing of ippp0
->So, what's wrong ?
->After reading a much I learned ? that there will be installed a
->"ioptions.ippp0" out of the "ioptions" file
->together with some other files.
->I couldn't find any ioptions.ippp0 file!
->I tested the IPPP0 dev with isdnctrl list ippp0 -> everyline seems to be ok
->"isdnctrl dial ippp0" brings up the same error msg.
->What I found ( or better not found ) are the scripts / files mentioned in
->some docs ( shure I read all I reached )
->at /etc/isdn and /etc/ppp. As I know there have to be a few pointing to
->ippp0. I can't find any. only the defaults
->is it possible that MD uses an other way to save their scripts and running
->To see if I'm running into hardware trouble I installed another Linux.
->Hardware has been tested ( with SUSE Linux -> installed and ready to go! It
->works as it has to do) !!!!
->Hisax shows the same EA ; IRQ ;... like the one installed at MD.
->is there an other way to test the ISDN calling by hand as I 've done with
->loading all the parts with isdnctrl
->into ippp0 and then using "isdnctrl dial ippp0"?
->Who has a running ISDN connection?
->Who is willing to help me?
->( please don't write " Why don't you use SUSE if you had it up and go ?! " I
->want to UNDERSTAND why
->it's ( not ) running! so please help (if you can)

Bye Peter

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