Bart3omiej Muryn wrote:
> I tried to install Polish diacritics fonts on my linux box (ISO8859-2) but
> KDE didn`t see this fonts so, I tried to modify the paths in xfs config
> file. then xfs crashed. I reinstalled it, all fonts end still the same - in
> error log file I have always something like "fonth path do not exists or bad
> font."
> What to do... ?

Hi Bart...

the xfs config File is not automatically reinstalled,when you
reinstall xfs.
This was the case for me when I installed Netscape 4.7.
xfs´s config file (which I had changed) was corrupted afterwards,
there was a new font entry which had not a trailing ",".
(All fontpath entries but not the last one must end with ",".)
I had no success with reinstalling xfs.
So I think, there is a syntax error in the config file.
Another reason might be broken Fonts. 
Do not use the 
directory ttfonts to add new Truetypefonts and do not
rebuild fonts.dir and fonts.scale in this dir. This would break
xfs because some Fonts there seem to be broken. 
This is true for MDK 6.1

Look to the config file and fix it or use mc to extract the original 
config file from the rpm and overwrite the existing one.
Apply the same to any fontdirs,which you changed.


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