On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Okay I have seen a zillion ways to do this over
> the last couple of years and read hundreds of lines
> of mans, howto's, and email's, HOWEVER;
> I will ask this list for pointers again !
> My / 3 gig partition is full. I have created another 
> ext2 fs of 2 gigs on the same HD. How do I merge it into
> The present / so that after reboot (I guess that would be 
> necessary?) The new / partition would contain 5 gigs?
My suggstion would be to boot to a boot floppy and use one
of the disk repartitioning tools such as Partition Magic
from PowerQuest or perhaps there's a linux-based
non-destructive repartitioner?

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