On Mon, 06 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Larry Sword wrote:
> > 
> > Rich Clark wrote:
> > 
> > > On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Larry Sword wrote:
> > >
> > > > Trevor Farrell wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > How do I completely remove supermount from my system???
> > > > >
> I just gotta few questions..
> I am a MDK user, since 5.3..  I am still at 6.1, due to the flood of trouble reports 
> on MDK 7.0..  
> Just curious, does supermount NOT work??  Why are so many people wanting to remove 
> ????
> Honestly?
> Thanks
> Alan


Supermount works.  Unfortunately, the install routine on 7.0 while it properly
sets up the supermount lines in /etc/fstab does not necessarily set up
/dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdc or /dev/cdrom2 -> /dev/sdc or something similar
depending on your hardware configuration.  As a result, supermount doesn't
appear to work because not all path pointers are in place.

The general "cure" is

ln -fs /dev/hdx /dev/cdrom

and similar for /dev/cdrom2

The idea is essentially simple -- mount it empty and check it often...

Generally, one would not want to supermount a cdrw, because it has to be
unmounted to burn.  Unfortunately some people try to supermount a cdrw and then
wonder why it will NOT burn.

That's my best guess.  Look in the cooker list archives for additional detail.


P. S.  I am using 7.0 and loving it, and so are some of my users, those not
engaged in a whispering campaign to bring back windows.

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