Ivan Trail wrote:
> Impliment several, more specific, mailing lists.  ie. one for installation
> help, one for driver development, one for people who actually like too much
> caffiene ;^)  You get the point.  I used to ber on atleast four different
> mailing lists from Red Hat at any one time.  the redhat place has probably
> fifteen to twenty different lists to choose from.  So maybe some of you experts
> in a specific area of linux could volunteer to host a mailing list.  I would do
> so but I can't even find actors to help with the scripting language thing, thus
> I am far from an expert.
> just my two cents worth, with NO REFUNDS!

As an Experienced Unix Admin, I would Gladly commit to sponsoring a
Mailing or even Two, but in return I would like to see the Update
facility become more 'bullet-proof'.  This is no need for me to have to
re-install a system instead of having to upgrade it.

How About MandrakeSoft.  Are you interested?

Albert E. Whale       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Database, Internet and Unix Systems Consultant

Pennsylvania Parenthood Initiative - PAPI
The Father's Rights Network - http://www.hky.com/frn/frnhome.html
Parents without Partners - Past President
Co-Founder of The Purple Heart Foundation

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