On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Vern....I've used the desktop update icon extensively in
> mandrake 6.0 and 6.1 and it worked just fine, but since
> installing 7.0 every time I've checked there's been nothing to
> update.
> I believe I'd uninstall all three netscape rpms and then hand
> install the new ones.  You can do this on the command line with
> rpm or with kpackage from KDE.  I almost always use kpackage
> myself.  If you use kpackage, after uninstalling all three then
> install common first then either of the other two, and finally
> disable checking for dependencies when installing the last one.
> I downloaded the 128 bit encryption version od Netscape 4.72
> from one of the crypto mirrors listed on the Mandrake web page. 
> If it turns out you have to re-download, you might consider
> doing that as well.
> The rpms you already downloaded should be in the /tmp (that's
> the one in the / directory) IIRC.  So you should be able to try
> them again before re-downloading anything again.
> Have you looked in the /usr/bin/ directory to see if the shell
> script and the two softlinks are there (netscape,
> netscape-communicator, and netscape-navigator)?
> Alan
Okay Alan,  I couldn't find the netscape communicator anywhere, so
I got on the Mandrake site with KFM and went to the update section
and downloaded communicator 4.70 again, since I had the 4.70 common
files already installed.  Anyway I installed the rpm with kpackage and all
is well now!  Don't know what happened to the old 4.62 version of netscape
??   Thanks for the help.  I only have a 26K analog phone line here so
I have to keep my downloads to a minimum, long live Cheap Bytes CD's!

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