No, with supermount running his is at least plausibly close.

Supermount changes all the rules . . .

but I've found that supermount doesn't work worth beans and just screws
everything up (plus it's totally undocumented in Mandrake), so I've
removed it by use the "Linux Classic" approach you suggested, and if
things are going wrong with an i/o device which uses supermount that's
a darn good first thing to try.

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Dale Morris wrote:
| > 
| > I first posted this to the Newbie list, but got no reply. Hopefully, someone
| > here can help.
| > I just decided to give Mandrake 7.0 a try after using Redhat 6.1 for about a
| > month and a half. Here's my problem:
| > When I try to mount floppies I made with Redhat 6.1, I get an error
| > message, "could not list directory contents, file/mnt/floppy.." what do I
| > need to do to -- "So many idiots.. get this working correctly. I'm amazed
| > that I can't mount a ext2 floppy. I so few comets.." edited the fstab as
| > follows:  H Henry /dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda5 / ext2
| > defaults 1 1 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/hda7 /home ext2
| > defaults 1 2 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,ext2 dev=/dev/fd0
| > 0 0 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
| > /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
| > 
| > (I added ext2 in fs=..)
| Therefore, your current floppy line in /etc/fstab looks like this:
| /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,ext2 dev=/dev/fd0 0 0 
| That is clearly wrong.  It should be this:
| /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy   auto  sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev,unhide
| 0 0
| Or even just this:
| /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy ext2   noauto   0  0
| ^^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^   ^^^^^^   ^^^^
| item 1    item 2     item 3   item 4  item 5
| item 1 = physical device.  MUST be in /dev   in this case /dev/fd0
| you are using a mount point in item 1, which will not work.
| item 2 = mount point.  Classically /mnt/floppy  but you could
| use any blank or empty directory you want.  Some peope use
| /drive_A
| or something similar.  Just create an empty directory and use it.
| In most Linux distros, /mnt/floppy is the default.  But make sure
| it actually exists BEFORE you try mounting something to it.
| item 3 = file system type.  Could be msdos, could be ext2 or
| could be "auto" for automatic detection of the file type in
| the floppy.  Auto was not allowed here until recently, when
| auto-detection was implemented for floppy mounts.
| item 4  These are options, and there are many.  In the second
| example above, "noauto" means not to mount the floppy
| automatically
| when it is inserted in the drive.  When a floppy is inserted in
| the drive, it closes a tiny switch which can be detected by the
| operating system, which can then mount it.  MSDOS and Win95 are
| examples of OS's that do this, but you should know that this is
| just by design and is not inherent.  You have to make the OS
| recognize the floppy.  In the example above, noauto means
| that you have to explictly give the 'mount' command.
| Item 5 has to do with when fsck checks your drive for file
| type errors.
| Here are ways to mount things.  Depends if you have a valid
| fstab file that allows the shortcut.
| prompt# mount /mnt/floppy
| In this case, the mount command will look at /etc/fstab for
| /mnt/floppy in the mount point column.  It will see that this
| is associated ONLY with /dev/fd0 and will attempt to mount
| that drive to that mount point using the parameters in /etc/fstab.
| If /mnt/floppy does not exist, or is associated with a different
| device that is detected, then it will exit with an error message.
| See below.
| prompt# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
| Thjis is more explicit.  It tells the mount command to mount
| the device or drive /dev/fd0 to the mount directory or point
| called /mnt/floppy and to do it as an ext2 file system.  
| Note that this command is much more flexible.  Here are some
| bizarre possibilities:
| Let us say you have /mnt/floppy as well as /mnt/cdrom, which
| is typical of most systems.  You also have a /home directory,
| also typical.
| Let us also assume that there is NO CD in the CD drive.
| Try these for fun:
| prompt# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/cdrom  
| prompt# cd /mnt/cdrom
| prompt# ls      (see that the floppy is mounted under /mnt/cdrom.
| hehehehe.
| prompt# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /home
| prompt# cd /home
| prompt# ls
| Note that here, the contents of the floppy are now readable as
| /home.  Waht happened to your /home directory??!! &^&  Well, no
| problem, just do
| prompt# cd /
| prompt# umount /home
| and all is back to normal.
| Now take a blank, unformatted floppy and put it in the drive.
| prompt# cd /
| prompt# fdformat /dev/fd0H1440
| prompt# mke2fs -c /dev/fd0  1440
| prompt# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
| prompt# cd /etc
| prompt# cp profile /mnt/floppy  (drive light goes on)
| prompt# cd /mnt/floppy
| prompt# ls -la   (see two things: "profile" and "lost+found" 
| prompt# cd /    (you cannot unmount when in the directory).
| prompt# umount /mnt/floppy
| prompt# ls -la /mnt/floppy   (should say 0 files)  OK.
| prompt# cp /etc/bashrc /mnt/floppy   (copy this text file over)
| prompt# ls -la /mnt/floppy  (should show ONLY "bashrc")
| prompt# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy
| prompt# ls -la /mnt/floppy (will show "profile" "lost+found" but
|                NOT "bashrc".
| prompt# umount /mnt/floppy
| prompt# ls -la /mnt/floppy   (now shows "bashrc" oNLY)
| Ain't that the cat's meow?
| Now, if you have /etc/fstab set up correctly, you can use the
| abbreviated command:
| prompt# mount /mnt/cdrom
| instead of the longer command
| prompt# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
| but please note that it depends on what /etc/fstab has in it
| regarding the floppy device.
| On thing that you have to be VERY CAREFUL of when you edit
| /etc/fstab.
| MAKE CERTAIN that none of the lines wrap.  Each line MUST begin
| in /dev/whatever and end in  0 0  or the two digits for fsck.  If
| they wrap, so you have something like this ANYWHERE:
| /dev/fd0   /mnt/floppy    ext2
| noauto  0 0
| as two lines, your system will NOT BE BOOTABLE.  If you are using
| the pico editor on /etc/fstab, be absolutely certain that you
| use the -w option and that you check for line wraps with more,
| less
| or cat.  This is absolutely CRITICAL:
| prompt# cd /etc
| prompt# pico -w  fstab
| Another file you don't want to screw up with line wraps is the
| /etc/inittab file.  There are actually many such files in the
| system, but those two will prevent booting, so don't say that
| Ramon encouraged experimenting and did not warn you.  You can
| usually get back in with "linux single" at the LILO prompt or
| with a rescue disk.  So I suggest you create a backup of these
| files first.  Then if you screw up, go in as rescue mode and
| recopy the files.  Example:
| prompt# cd /etc
| prompt# cp fstab fstab.bak   (creates a copy of it as fstab.bak)
| prompt# pico -w fstab    (lets assume you screw fstab up)
| Reboot.  Does not boot.
| Go into rescue mode.
| bash# cd /etc
| bash# pwd  (make sure you are in etc)
| bash# mv fstab.bak fstab
| or, a lengthier alternative:
| bash# mv fstab fstab.bad
| bash# mv fstab.bak fstab
| Reboot.
| In the later case, you have fstab.bad that you can peruse to
| discover the error of your ways.
| Play around.  Worse comes to worse, you will get some training
| in OS rescue, something totally lacking in Windows 95/98.
| -- 
| Ramon Gandia ============= Sysadmin ============== Nook Net
|                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 285 West First Avenue                     tel. 907-443-7575
| P.O. Box 970                              fax. 907-443-2487
| Nome, Alaska 99762-0970 ==== Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
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