I have a copy of decss.  Actually, injunction or no, I doubt it's that
hard to find if you search, but if anybody is having trouble let me
know and I'll mail it to you and/or post it temporarily on my web site.

(I've never used it, mind you; I downloaded it as more of a political
statement than anything else -- I don't have have a DVD drive.)

On Sat, 25 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| I can pretty well verify that it does not work with DVD-RAM. 
| Which is OK.  I don't yet have full information on making it
| work, but I will post when I do.
| Most of those tools are in your 7.0 distro already  (all they
| could cram in without hiring another lawyer) I recommend browsing
| the RPMs on the distro disks.  
| If you are fortunate enough to have DeCSS (pre-injunction), you
| can add that and likely play movies without a decoder, but then
| decoder cards are fairly inexpensive these days, 
| except they have the annoying "regionalization" feature -- 
| they'll decode only DVDs
| prepared specifically for your "region".  This allows the folks
| to sell a DVD move 6 months later at three times the price just
| across the border from you.  And yes, if you buy a DVD Player in
| Germany, it is not likely to play American DVDs.
| Civileme
| Vincent Danen wrote:
| > 
| > Does Supermount work with DVD-ROM's under Linux?  I installed an Acer IDE
| > DVD-ROM today and it made things go *extremely* slow until I commented out
| > the /etc/fstab entry for the device.  The GIMP hung and all kinds of other
| > unpleasant things happened.  Now I've got it so I have to manually mount
| > it and it seems to be ok.  Any idea why this might be?
| > 
| > Also, how do I get to view DVD movies under Linux?  I looked at the LiViD
| > page and it's talking about patching the kernel for DVD fs support and
| > whatnot, or else using a development kernel with it built in.  Any
| > suggestions on the best way to go about it?  I've always been a little
| > reluctant to mess with the kernel and I don't really like the idea of
| > patching it.  Is there a module or something I can just slap in there?
| > 
| > Any info would be appreciated.  I'd like to get this running under Linux
| > so I can show off to a few Windows users... =)
| > 
| > --
| > [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
| > Freezer Burn BBS:  telnet://bbs.freezer-burn.org . ICQ: 54924721
| > Webmaster for the Linux Portal Site Freezer Burn:  http://www.freezer-burn.org
| -- 
| Remember that if it is done on networks, it may occur on
| your host which is a network unto itself.
"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger                         http://www.babbleon.org
Support http://www.eff.org.                     Support decss defendents.
Support http://www.programming-freedom.org.     Boycott amazon.com.

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