If you want good AND stable you need Mutt, sendmail, fetchmail
and procmail, all on your Mandrake cd.  Not gui though!

Glyn M.

On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 04:05:19PM +1000, thus spake Wayne Petherick:
> I am slowly getting used to Linux and am currently looking for a good GUI mail
> client.  At the mo I am using kmail under Gnome and am looking for something a
> little more !)attractive, 2)functional.  I have tried Mahogany, Eucalyptus,
> XFMail, XCMail, postilion, tkrat, and just about every other one out there.  I
> either cannot get it to work or it is confusing and cumbersome and was
> wondering who is using what and what they think of it.  I would love to get a
> good GUI client for my machine but most are either in development still or
> have other problems.  Does Corel WP2000 come with a mail client?  Or what would
> others suggest is a good stable way to send, receive and catalog emails?
> Wayne
> *******************************
> *******************************
> Wayne Petherick
> Criminology Department
> Humanities and Social Sciences
> Bond University
> *******************************
> *******************************

       * "The soul is greater than the hum of it's parts. " *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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