** Reply to message from Wayne Petherick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Sat, 1 Apr 2000 16:05:19 +1000


One of the best mailers out there, is the pure-java Polarbar
Mailer, which is an ongoing, follow-up developmental project to
improve the java Postroad Mailer, which was originally designed
and distributed by Innoval.  While not "open source", per se,
interested individuals are invited to participate in the ongoing
development project, but the program is "free" for use by the
computer community.  And it works very well!

I've been involved with the project and the software from day
one, and have been using it as my primary mailer in both Linux
and OS/2.

Check out www.polarbar.org for details!


> I am slowly getting used to Linux and am currently looking for a good GUI mail
> client.  At the mo I am using kmail under Gnome and am looking for something a
> little more !)attractive, 2)functional.  I have tried Mahogany, Eucalyptus,
> XFMail, XCMail, postilion, tkrat, and just about every other one out there.  I
> either cannot get it to work or it is confusing and cumbersome and was
> wondering who is using what and what they think of it.  I would love to get a
> good GUI client for my machine but most are either in development still or
> have other problems.  Does Corel WP2000 come with a mail client?  Or what would
> others suggest is a good stable way to send, receive and catalog emails?
> Wayne
> *******************************
> *******************************
> Wayne Petherick
> Criminology Department
> Humanities and Social Sciences
> Bond University
> *******************************
> *******************************

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