Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Trevor Farrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Linux Mandrake Expert list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 2:22 AM
> Subject: [expert] Mdk 7 - time to take out the trash? (long)
> I would have included your message in this but I was asked not to for sake
> of saving download time by someone on this list???

Fair enough, it's really annoying to get heaps of copies of a long posting
because everyone includes allllll previous posts...

> Anyway, I've seen you giving quite a few answers to questions on this list
> (at least I think it's you, is there another Trevor?),

no, I think I'm the one-and-only!

> and I would say
> "wow".  You seem to be pretty upset with Mandrake; this is just an
> observation (after a crappy day at work and a couple of beers <g>)

hard day at the office & NO beers!  <g>

> but
> doesn't that seem pretty harsh?  I've also just installed BeOS 5 and it
> wouldn't even boot properly with a boot disk!  I'm sure it's something I've
> done, but hey, who knows?  If you look at it like that, you would judge
> everything just by how it works for you, not at what it does overall.  (By
> the way, I think BeOS rocks, and I'm eagerly awaiting version 5 pro
> edition.)  I've been pretty happy with Mandrake overall,

so am I - that's why I'm on this list! and still running Mandrake.

> but yeah, I've seen
> things in SuSE, for example, that I wish were in other distros (and things
> that shouldn't be in any distro!  - What's with that YaST crap?!? - I guess
> that's another story).  All of them seem to have their good points, but I do
> have to say, Mandrake is the first one that I didn't have to spend a dime on
> (downloaded the iso image) and it works the best of any I've tried!  I do
> try to keep up with whatever updates that come down the pipe, though;
> sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.  Hang in there, I just appreciate
> that there is a good alternative to Windows, and I don't have to do the
> programming to make it happen.
> Michael Holt

Yes, Michael, I was (and still am) annoyed by things that should work
automatically, but don't. If M$ and Be can do it, I'm sure
Linux/Mandrake/whoever can also. I suppose I just got tired of the "standard
responses" that appear so often on this list - either "read the docs"  or
"sorry, your hardware doesn't work with Linux". OK, I know that the docs are a
great place to look, but sometimes, finding which doc can take so long, then
reading it and trying to understand it, and translating it to your hardware
(which is always just that little bit different...)  anyway - you know what I
mean, and as for hardware - we all know about winmodems, and every day they
sell thousands more! At least Win-printers (GDI) seem to have died a deserved
death (pity I have one!)  But what about the stuff that should work, but
doesn't! My CMI8330 sound card for example?  Everyone says try sndconfig -
sorry, it never handled the CMI8330, it identifies it but can't install it. You
can't even select the right settings if you know them because it doesn't offer
them!  The kernel source documentation (yes -  I "read the docs" ) worked for
previous versions, but doesn't for ver 7. But M$ and Be both installed it
without a question being asked. So why can't Linux?

And anyone who has been on this list for a while will have read about my CDrw -
the one the authors of cdrecord say has a firmware bug, and the manufacturors
say "must be a Linux issue". It works under Windows and BeOS. I have yet to
install the latest version of cdrecord, which I'm told might fix it, so perhaps
it will soon work under Linux - I'll let you know...

However, all the above whinges aside, I do love Linux - lets face it, sound and
cd-burning are nice luxuries, but hardly essential for what I use Linux for. I
could fill a number of long posts with what I like about Linux, and I will
repeat again that Ver 7 is the best so far for supporting my video (SiS6326),
so overall, Mandrake got a lot right.

Unfortunately, I have other demands on my time, and therefore am getting a bit
short with the bits that I see should work without me spending hours on them,
sorry to all if I have ranted & raved too much.

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