Okay Civileme,
I'll be "tinkering"
By the way I did order a "old,dumb,slow"
read that "cheap" video card last night.
A Matrox mystique card, which got "rave revues"
on both the Linux hardware site and is supported by
Xfree drivers.  So maybe all this patching and trying
to get the video to "work" will be over for me.
I sincerely hope so!  I'd like to move on to some other
project for Linux.
I do appreciate all your help!

On Sun, 02 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > >
> > Hello again Civileme,
> > I went to the cooker mirror here in Indiana (across the river) and downloaded
> > kernel 2.2.15-0.17mdk, can I just do an update here in ver. 6.1? Or do I have
> > to reinstall 7.0 then update?  The "test install" in kpackage didn't result in
> > any error messages or dependancy issues is it safe to proceed?  Thought
> > I'd better ask before I go "off the air" for a week for a total rebuild.
> > Thanks for all your help!
> > Vern
> > 
> >  --

> Ummm,
> if you possibly can, try to set aside a small partition, say
> 300-900Mb depending on how thoroughly you would like to test,
> then install 7 and rpm in the kernel  You may need some ancillary
> items, like more recent libs, but I am told by the traffic on
> Cooker that it does seem to work.
> LILO does let you boot more than one linux....  Each with
> different root directories if you so choose.
> But testing with 6.1 should also be possible--just rpm in the new
> kernel and use linuxconf to set it up as bootable under a name
> like "new_linux" Then run lilo and next time you start, type 
> LILO Boot: new_linux
> And you should have 6.1 running with that kernel and be able to
> test agpgart.o
> And if you type nothing or linux at LILO Boot: you should be
> running the same system with the kernel you originallly used for
> 6.1.
> Civileme
> -- 
> Remember that if it is done on networks, it may occur on
> your host which is a network unto itself.

    *   Vernon Stilwell                [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
    *   R.R.#3 Box 168                [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    *   Hardinsburg, Ky. 40143     "Happiness is a warm Penguin!"
    *                               Registered User #165809

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