On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Deim_Ágoston?= wrote:

> HI !
> I have a little LAN at home where my Linux is the "mail-server". Or 
> it should be. What should I do that the sendmail send all of the 
> qued mails when I'm connected to the inet via PPP ? Is the 
> "sendmail -q" line sufficient ? (Written into the ip-up or ip-up.local 
> file). And what happens when I'm connected and sending mail from 
> one host ? Does the sendmail deliver it immediatelly to my ISP ?
> Thanx,
> Ago

        I would advise the use of a proper tool for this kinda thing...
sendmail is not prepared to be offline unless you use uucp, which is not
an easy thing to set up (at least, people who had set ip up had told me
so). Instead, I used MasqMail (search it in www.freshmeat.net). It's very
easy to setup (took me 10 minutes after reading the short docs) and has
the hability to change the From: part of the mail so they point to a
reachable e-mail account you may have. Give it a try, it won't dissapoint

"No tire sus colillas en el mingitorio, las humedece y
las hace dificil de encender"
"Do not dump butts in the wc. They dampen and it makes
them difficult to light."
                          --Tom Sharpe, "Wilt on high"

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