On Sat, Apr 08, 2000 at 13:24 -0400, Stephen F. Bosch wrote:
> Thus spake Sheldon Lee Wen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > 
> > > > Sun has released a preview of 5.2 (~80-100 MB and available for Windoze and 
> > >
> > > Yes and it chokes on large complex msword docs.
> *hysterical laughter*
> So does Microsoft Word... have you ever tried to manage a document
> that's more than 18 pages in Word? With images and tables of contents?
Ahem, I did. 291 pages, more than 80 images, footnotes, toc and
index, all with Word97. Wrote it in separate docs and finally
put the whole thing together. Took me 2 working days to manually
correct pagebreaks, footnotes, image-descriptions, Pagenumbers
in toc, etc.

Trying to make a point that you *can* do a large doc in Word!
Also you could do large documents in stones some 4000 yrs ago!
Just a matter of time and manpower.

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