
Yes, I have used word for large files
and I've used it since msword version 6.0

I'm the author of an open content FRPG,

it's split into two word docs which combined
total ~412 pages. I've never had msword choke
on them. I've had msword for some reason grow
the file size without reason. Once the file size
grew to 63MB. I had to cut and paste everything
to a new file (and then spend hours reformatting)
and the size went down to ~20MB.

However, now that I've moved to LInux I'm looking
for something just as good for Linux so I an port my
document over. I'd REALLY like it if it had an open,
sane file format but I think right now that would be asking too
much. (Hopefully KWord will mature to the point where
I can import my docs to a reasonable extent).

"Definitions involving chicken heads no longer apply."
  -Jon katz

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