I have a very simple "browse" command, like this:

        #! /bin/csh -f

        cd /home/bts/xfer
        /usr/bin/netscape $*

If I type it in in a shell, it works fine.
If I type it in the pop-up KDE command window, it works fine.
But from my panel, it doesn't work fine.

Under execute I have this:


Now, here's the weird part . . .

If I already have a Netscape window up, it works fine from kpanel, so 
I *know* that netscape is getting executed--it can hook up to an
already-existant netscape process without trouble.

But my "browse" command fails from kpanel if there's no netscape up

Any ideas?

"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger                         http://www.babbleon.org
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