John Aldrich wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > I have a very simple "browse" command, like this:
> >
> >       #! /bin/csh -f
> >
> >       cd /home/bts/xfer
> >       /usr/bin/netscape $*
> >
> Ok. I'll bite. Why the shell script? Why not just tell
> Netscape to execute directly and then put the default
> "download" directory to /home/bts/xfer? Netscape DOES have
> a default download directory, you know...
>         John

Well, no, actually, I didn't know that.
I just reviewed the options I can find in netscape, as a matter of fact,
and I don't see anything to control that.  Nor can I find anything about
it in the on-line help.

If you can tell me how, though, I'd appreciate knowing about it . . . as
you surmised, the reason I change the directory is to set the default
download location.

"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger               
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