ok, to switch the working directory back, you can do one of three things
1st  system(cd [dir]);
2nd chdir (dirname)
    for this one, you may need to set the umask.
    remember with umask, you are turning OFF bits, so
    set it reverse of what you would chmod
3rd chroot (dirname)
    this one may also need to have the umask set.

The last two would only make sence if you were doing a lot more stuff in the
script.  The first one, you'd enter it just like you would on the command
line except 'system ('  and ')' surround the command.  There are tons of
other ways you can pretty much do this, but I think these are the easiest.

As for perl, I've pretty much converted most of my other scripts to it.
IMHO, it is a lot more powerful than any other scripting/interpreted
language I've seen (and yes I've seen Java)
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian T. Schellenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Netscape from KDE

>I know perl, but your script isn't equivalent; it doesn't reset the
>directory, which is the whole point of the script.
>While I write lots of things in perl (I even wrote a maze-generation
>program in perl!), I don't actually know how to get it to change the
>working directory in-line for the perl code.
>Do you?
>Moreover, it *IS* successfully executing the netscape from within the
>browse command as demonstrated by the fact that:
>a) It works when I type "browse" in a shell prompt.
>b) It works when I type "browse" at the command prompt.
>c) It works even from the kpanel when there's a Netscape
>   process already up.
>So it seems pretty far-fetched to me to suppose that re-writing it in
>would fix anything.  Nonetheless if you'll tell me how to do it, I'm
>to give it a shot.
>Icebreaker wrote:
>> This might work better:
>> This is the code, rename it to your script name and make it accessable
>> (backup your old one)
>> Also, make sure the path to perl is correct.  To see type:
>> 'which perl'
>>  |
>> \/
>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>> ###
>> # perl script to start netscape
>> ###
>> # this may need quotes around the path, use double quotes
>> system (/usr/bin/netscape);
>> #end of code
>> the script calls the system to execute the command.
>> It should work, let me know if it doesn't.  If you want to learn more
>> perl go to www.perl.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Brian T. Schellenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 2:48 PM
>> Subject: [expert] Netscape from KDE
>> >
>> >I have a very simple "browse" command, like this:
>> >
>> > #! /bin/csh -f
>> >
>> > cd /home/bts/xfer
>> > /usr/bin/netscape $*
>> >
>> >If I type it in in a shell, it works fine.
>> >If I type it in the pop-up KDE command window, it works fine.
>> >But from my panel, it doesn't work fine.
>> >
>> >Under execute I have this:
>> >
>> >/home/bts/bin/browse
>> >
>> >Now, here's the weird part . . .
>> >
>> >If I already have a Netscape window up, it works fine from kpanel, so
>> >I *know* that netscape is getting executed--it can hook up to an
>> >already-existant netscape process without trouble.
>> >
>> >But my "browse" command fails from kpanel if there's no netscape up
>> >already.
>> >
>> >Any ideas?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Brian T. Schellenberger                         http://www.babbleon.org
>> >Support http://www.eff.org.                     Support decss
>> >Support http://www.programming-freedom.org.     Boycott amazon.com.
>> >
>"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Brian T. Schellenberger                         http://www.babbleon.org
>Support http://www.eff.org.                     Support decss
>Support http://www.programming-freedom.org.     Boycott amazon.com.

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