The reason that *anybody* would care ('cause I'd imagine that by the end
the thread a lot of people were wondering the same thing) is because the
original post was discussing the speed of execution.

An emulator is inherently slow; an API is not.

However, if you want to run no Windows software, you don't care about
that, either.

I admire your detachment, but there's still software aplenty that is
under Windows that's not under Linux yet.  Though less every day.

Bill Beauchemin wrote:
> Who cares if WINE is an emulator or not. I run Linux to get away from
> those crappy Winblows apps that MicroSnot shoves at ya with all there
> bugs. Why would I want to go backwards.
> Bill Beauchemin
> Sunnyvale MDC Control Center
> GlobalCenter
> (a Global Crossing company)
> 888-541-9888

"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger               
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