Brian Schroeder wrote:

> I have downloaded the Mandrake 7 iso image and copied it onto a CD.
> I am trying to load it onto a Digital Prioris 2 x 166MHz, but continually
> get the following error during the install phase:
> An error occured
> installation of rpms failed:
> Installing package needs 843kb on the /mnt filesystem.
>                 OK
> Some packages seem to go in.  There is a reasonable amount of disk
> activity between occurrences of this error (and the "843kb" bit is
> different each time).
> What does it mean?  And what should I do about it?
> The install is taking a LONG time.

It's an indication of the amount of space on the disk partition that is needed
to load the number of programs you have selected. Normally if it need 843kb
and you have less then you can de-select some files or packages.


> PS  I had no problem with Mandrake 6.1.
> Brian.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         Brian Schroeder              |
>  ,-_|\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
> /     \  Origin Energy Resources Ltd |        Anyone can hate,
> \_,-*_/  Adelaide Australia          |      but it costs to love.
>      v   GPO Box 2576 Adelaide 5001  |
>         PH +61 8 8217 5782           |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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