Yes, that's what the message sounded like to me, but it didn't seem likely.

I have set it up (on 2 disks) with:

128M    /
32M     swap
1.8G    /var

5G      /home
256M    swap
256M    /tmp
3.5G    /usr

That seems to me to allow plenty of space.  And it should leave much more
than 843k available!


Larry Sword wrote:
> Brian Schroeder wrote:
> > I have downloaded the Mandrake 7 iso image and copied it onto a CD.
> > I am trying to load it onto a Digital Prioris 2 x 166MHz, but continually
> > get the following error during the install phase:
> >
> > An error occured
> > installation of rpms failed:
> > Installing package needs 843kb on the /mnt filesystem.
> >                 OK
> >
> > Some packages seem to go in.  There is a reasonable amount of disk
> > activity between occurrences of this error (and the "843kb" bit is
> > different each time).
> >
> > What does it mean?  And what should I do about it?
> > The install is taking a LONG time.
> >
> It's an indication of the amount of space on the disk partition that is needed
> to load the number of programs you have selected. Normally if it need 843kb
> and you have less then you can de-select some files or packages.
> Larry
> >
> > PS  I had no problem with Mandrake 6.1.
> >
> > Brian.
> > --

        Brian Schroeder              |
 ,-_|\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |      
/     \  Origin Energy Resources Ltd |        Anyone can hate,
\_,-*_/  Adelaide Australia          |      but it costs to love. 
     v   GPO Box 2576 Adelaide 5001  |            
        PH +61 8 8217 5782           |

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