Kirk....your designations of boot1, boot2....etc.  Do partitions
exist with those names....not!?  Ok, do me a favor.  You say
Caldera is running, so go into a console in Caldera and type 
fdisk /dev/hda  then do a p command and capture the results and
post them. Ok?


Kirk McElhearn wrote:
> Thanks to all of you who helped me out be explaining how to handle this.
> I got the HD and installed it, so I thought I would send you a report.
> Installing the HD was easy.  It came with partitioning software, and I
> set it up as follows:
> boot1
> boot2
> boot3
> boot4
> boot5
> swap
> backup
> data1
> data2
> data3
> data4
> data5
> I first created these partitions with the drive's software as dos
> partitions, then, under Mandrake, used Disk Drake to change them all to
> Linux partitions, with the exception of the backup partition - I want to
> be able to access this from Windows as well.
> So, with the HD set up, I tried to install a few different distributions.
>  I left Mandrake on the old HD for the meantime, and tried to install the
> following on the new HD:
> Caldera OpenLinux
> Corel Linux
> Suse
> Red Hat 6.2 beta
> Unfortunately, this did not go as planned.  Caldera was the only one I
> could fully install.  It started up, but there was no option during the
> install to create a boot disk (I don't want to use Lilo, because of the
> hassles each time I need to install Windows anew, and I am a bit
> uncomfortable with liloconf files - I found a floppy based boot loader
> called gag that seems to do the trick).  I was not able to reboot into
> Caldera because of this.  I guess it is there, on one of the partitions;
> I need to see if I can get a boot floppy from the original CD.
> Then I tried Corel Linux.  This was an instant failure, since it only
> recognized my HD as having two partitions - one of 32 megs (boot1) and
> the other having 20 gigs (it is a 20.4 gig HD).
> Next try was Suse.  This did not work either, because the Suse installer
> would only let me install it on contiguous partitions.  This seems to be
> quite stupid, actually, and I can't figure out any reason for it, but
> that's the way it is.
> I also tried a RedHat 6.2 beta CD I have from a magazine.  That didn't go
> very far in the install, it would not recognize my CD-Rom drive.  It gave
> a list of only a few CD-Roms, and I tried them all, but none of them
> worked.
> All in all, I am pleased that the HD questions were so easy to solve, but
> very disappointed that I had so many problems installing.  The proverbial
> difficulties in Linux installation are real, except for Caldera, and, of
> course, Mandrake.  I am trying to get a few other distributions to see
> what happens, but, all in all, I am quite surprised that I was unable to
> go any further.
> Kirk
>                                vice versa
>  Translations - French to English, English to French | Technical Writing
>  Traductions francais-anglais, anglais-francais      | Redaction technique
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

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