On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> I really would like to be able to use my CD-writer in Linux, but it seems so
> complicated. I wade through man pages, how-to's, emails, readme's, and I get
> close, but never there.
> I have a CDRW at hdc, and a Zip drive at hdd.
> I've got lilo.conf set right, and I added "modprobe ide-scsi" to rc.local.
> Interestingly, the Zip comes in before the CDRW:
> scsibus0:
>       0,0,0     0) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 100         ' '13.A' Removable Disk
>       0,1,0     1) 'Memorex ' 'CDRW-2216       ' '1.0b' Removable CD-ROM
> I found some info on MandrakeUser.org that led me to delete /dev/cdrom and
> create a symlink /dev/cdrom to /dev/scd1. Just guessing, I also created a
> /dev/zip linked to /dev/scd0.
try /dev/sr0 and /dev/sr1

> Xcdroast seems to see the CDRW OK, although I haven't learned enough about
> the program to actually try anything. I've used a Windows program to burn CDs,
> but it was a lot less complicated.
> I haven't been able to mount the CDRW and Zip, and I'm guessing I need the
> answer to the question I asked at the top. This is what I have in fstab:
> /dev/scd0 /mnt/zip vfat exec,user,noauto,rw,suid,dev 0 0
> /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,suid,exec,dev,ro 0 1
> I =think= I still need to disable generic IDE support, and I =think= I need to
> put the following statements somewhere, but I don't know where:
>        options ide-cd ignore=hdb          # tell the ide-cd module to ignore
> hdb
>        alias scd0 sr_mod                  # load sr_mod upon access of scd0
>        pre-install sg   modprobe ide-scsi # before sg, load ide-scsi
>        pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi # before sr_mod, load ide-scsi

No, you don't

In lilo.conf you need


Now if you want the module loaded all the time, take the statement out of
/etc/rc.local and put this one in /etc/conf.modules

alias block-major-11  ide-scsi.o


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