Ron Stodden said:
>  I take it your cdrw is an ATAPI device?
>  I take it your ZIP is an ATAPI device?

Yes and yes, hdc and hdd, respectively.

>  Much better is to add the following to your /etc/lilo.conf for the
>  linux image:
>  append = "hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi"

Now done.

>  No.  place a "/sbin/modprobe sg" line in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

This is now there:
/sbin/modprobe sg
/sbin/modprobe ide-scsi

>  Set up symbolic links:
>  /dev/zip --> /dev/sg4  {This is a guess, remember that a zip drive
>  only uses partition 4}
>  /dev/cdrw --> /dev/sr0

OK, except I used cdrom instead of cdrw, since I have only the one
CD drive.
>  Then reboot, check your lsmod for all modules loaded.

Module                  Size  Used by
ide-scsi                7584   0 
aic7xxx               111024   0  (autoclean) (unused)
sg                     15792   0 

>  Now read and write a mounted zip disk and read a mounted CDROM to
>  check.

The CD reads OK, but an attempt to mount the Zip gives:
[root@localhost /root]# mount /mnt/zip
mount: /dev/zip is not a block device
[root@localhost /root]# mount /dev/sg4
mount: can't find /dev/sge in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

The reason for the "sge" is that sg4 is a symbolic link to sge. That
made me think the link should be from zip to sgd (since its IDE device
is hdd), but changing that didn't help. Here's my current fstab (the
commented stuff is what works with IDE):
#/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,suid,exec,dev,ro 0 1
#/dev/hdd /mnt/zip vfat exec,user,noauto,rw,suid,dev 0 0
/dev/zip /mnt/zip vfat exec,user,noauto,rw,suid,dev 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,suid,exec,dev,ro 0 1

>  Then umount the cdrw and run cdrecord -scanbus to verify write
>  access to the cdrw.

        1,0,0   100) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 100         ' '13.A' Removable
        1,1,0   101) 'Memorex ' 'CDRW-2216       ' '1.0b' Removable

>  I'm not sure about the ZIP, since I don't have one.

I sure wish you did, because I really need to solve that. But I
appreciate very much your help; it looks like I have CDRW capability
now. Time to do a test CD write!
Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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