Am Sam, 29 Apr 2000 schrieben Sie:
> Thus spake Hans Schneidhofer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Am Fre, 28 Apr 2000 schrieben Sie:
> > > On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > > > hi,
> > You
> > > have to set X graphics to 16 bit and it solved the problem for me.  I'm one of
> > > those guys who usually starts reading only when things go wrong!
> > 
> > That's me too. Have resolved also my problems with your hint :        
> > set X graphics to 16 bit 
> Has anyone tried it with the updated win-toppage (0.92?) which
> allegedly does 24-bit colour? I installed it and when I type toppage
> -e I simply get the prompt back....

Hi Deryk, 
yeah, have tried it, but seems not be able to run with 24 or 32 bits. Get also
only a silent prompt back. From the support-line I haven't got an answer yet.
So am working (better playing around) with setting X to 16 bit.

How is your impression about - is it looking good and useable for you ?
I have a good feeling about. But am missing some example-files like backgrounds.
Have you found some ?

Hans Schneidhofer

PS: is getting Canada a breath of springs now ? I'm loving Canada.

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